Meal Prep

Eat Well All Week Long with Personalized Meal Prep at Home

Say goodbye to meal planning stress. With Chefpost, you get a personal chef to create customized meals for your week, right in the comfort of your own home.

Meal prep sessions start at $250, depending on the city or chef. We have Chefpost chefs in South Florida, West Palm Beach, Tampa, Orlando, and New York City, ready to serve you!

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What is included in a meal prep cooking session?

No more rushing through the week, no more wasting time cooking, and no more grabbing on-the-go takeout that might set off a reaction. Book a chef for delicious, nutritious meals all week long.

  • Customized meal plan
  • Organic and high quality ingredients
  • Pre-vetted chef cooking in the comfort of your home
  • Kitchen clean-up
  • Top Chefpost Experience
  • Yummy for the whole family

Featured Meal Prep Chefs

Want the chef to cook with your ingredients?

Book a chef to cook with ingredients already in your pantry or fridge for a surprising take on old favorites that also fights food waste.

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